America | Dominican republic | 1958 | 660/A - 667/A 

Catalog number:  Mi 660/A  (B/18/A)

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Catalog number:  Mi 661/A  (B/18/A)

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Catalog number:  Mi 662/A  (B/18/A)

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Catalog number:  Mi 663/A  (B/18/A)

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Catalog number:  Mi 664/A  (B/18/A)

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 665/A  (B/18/A)

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 666/A  (B/18/A)

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 667/A  (B/18/A)

For detail of stamp showing do

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