America | United States | 1995 | 2583 - 2602 

Catalog number:  Mi 2583

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2584

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2585

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2586

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2587

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2588

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2589

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2590

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2591

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2592

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2593

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2594

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2595

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2596

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2597

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2598

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2599

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2600

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2601

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 2602

For detail of stamp showing do

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The origins of philately

The beginnings of philately date back to the first half of the 19th century. Who was actually behind the initial boom in philately?

The catalog is made by users of the portal themselves to manage their collections for exchange and sale with other users of this portal.

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